Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My reflection on Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Book available at NLB

Call Number : WHI

Chapter 1. Before Breakfast
My favourite sentence - If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?
Wilbur was born small, it is not right to kill him because everyone will have a chance to be alive. My family will not kill me even if I am born small or abnormal.

New Words

1. hoghouse
2. shrieked
3. sneakers
4. sopping
5. sobbed
6. runty
7. injustice
8. queer
9. wobbled
10. shone - past tense for shine
11. rifle
12. dagger
13. demanded
14. specimen
15. promptly
16. nipple
17. fitted
( I will be posting my reflection on this book here, do return to see the latest ) :)

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