Friday, November 14, 2008

My felling about Miss Woo

Today iam sad because that Miss Woo is leaving today And i also cry on last few week. I hope Miss Woo is not leaving and i also wish that i can see her everyday I thought that she will not leave but she left. Bye Bye but i hope you have a nice day in your contry.When i see you in the pictures or messange to you and i write my blog about you. Are you coming back to meet us?? But never mind can you still send me i mean canyou still messange and to be oline


misswoo said...

dear Alicia

I am very touched by your warmth and love for me. I have no choice but to leave. I did cry too when I first get to know that I won't be staying next year. Will explain to you when in private. Sure we can still write, email and call each other. You must be courageous because there is a time to laugh and cry; a time to be together and to part. This is life.

Alice said...

Thank you Miss Woo:). Yesterday I cried very badly and I didn't tell my mother:( I will try not to cry.And be happy:)

misswoo said...

Oh, surely your mother will know by now that you shed tears. :~)