Thursday, April 15, 2010

2010 SYF Choir Competition on 15/04/2010

Today was the most memorable day for me. My school choir would be participating in the SYF Choir Competition and I am proud that I am part of them. I was really very excited, so were all my choir friends. I went to school about 7:13am as I were helping out for silent reading. At 7:45am I went to the hall for morning assembly. After assembly, we had a 30min briefing for our mother tongue learning journey. It was at the middle of the briefing when my choir friends called me up to the music room.

When I was in the music room, there was no teachers, so we decided to play some music to practice for both parts,(Alto and Soprano). We sang better than yesterday during our normal practice. Miss Serene Lee came to the music room and was pleased to see us practicing, She put down her things, then took video of us practicing. Afterward  Mrs Ang came, she was pleased too. Mrs Wang came a bit late, we do some warm up, then we start to practice our own part (Alto and Soprano) till 11:00am then we went for our lunch. After lunch, we took a short nap, and start to dress for the important performance. We have many aunties to help us in our hairdo and make up. We really look very pretty. We have another round of practice before we started our journey to Victoria Concert Hall.

We took some group photos outside VCH and have a short warm up session before we went to the holding area to wait for our turn. We were very nervous when it was our turn to go up on the stage. My heart was beating very fast, I only looked at Mrs Wang, our conductor. When we were singing the last song "Hamabe No Uta", we start to sway and enjoyed the song as we sing along. I think we had put up our best performance. After our performance, we have our snack and returned to the concert hall to see the performance by other school. We wanted to wait for the result announcement but our school bus uncle couldn't wait, we have to return to schoolSad. Mrs Ang and Mrs Wang stayed to wait for the result.

When we are about to reach school, Mr Nasrun received the SMS from Mrs Ang, guess what? "WE GOT THE BRONZE!" We were very happy, it was quite unexpectedOpen-mouthed. We cheered as we were still on the bus turning into the school compound, Auntie Cheryl is our cheerleader. Miss Serene Lee and Miss Lim were still in school waiting for us. We saw them and couldn't wait to break the good news to them. The moment we get off the bus, we ran towards them.

Yu Peng who was participating in the 演讲比赛 also got third. We were very happy and called Uncle Ng to congratulate Yu Peng.

This was really a wonderful day with so much good things happening on the same day. A Wonderful Day for Beacon Primary School.

Together with Auntie Cheryl, Jerlyn, Auntie Velene and Rachel, we went for a small celebration at MacDonald, then we went back for dinner.